Saturday, November 22, 2008

Protect Your Rights!

If you care about your personal rights keep up with the topics!

I have never been a political activist, but as the times are starting to change we are going to have to watch the issues more closely and as important issues come up get other people involved to contact congressman and senators to let them know how the public truly feels. With one party having such a majority in both the house and the senate as well as the presidency, the checks and balances are no longer as strong as they once were.

So much for "I support the Second Amendment"

Media reports say Barack Obama has selected Eric Holder as his Attorney General, and that Holder may already have accepted the offer.  Holder, as Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno during the Clinton Administration, said that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right, but instead protects the right to have a firearm when serving with a militia. After leaving office, Holder stuck to that assertion when he signed Janet Reno's brief to the Supreme Court in the Heller case, which stated, "The Second Amendment does not protect firearms possession or use that is unrelated to participation in a well-regulated militia."
Remember the first thing to completely controlling a populace is the disarming of the citizens. Also remember two of the many reasons we had a revolution in this country, the unfair government taxes and England's attempt to disarm the public by taking their firearms. Obama supports both of those initiatives. The assault against our rights are already starting and not only stopping with the 2nd amendment. But also the 4th. It doesn't stop with the Democrats; Since 9/11 Bush completely ignored much of the constitution (much as Abe Lincoln did prior to the Civil War)  There is an assualt against the 4th amendment taking place right now in Washington, D.C. (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.) As unusual as this sounds the ACLU and the NRA; usually staunch opponents of each other; are on the same sides of this issue.

Washington, D.C. is attempting, even as the ACLU of all people are taking a stand against it. Maybe they figure they have to do this before the Supreme Court decides it is against the Constitution to ban hand guns, but they are planning on searching and seizing all hand guns in the DC area. They say it is strictly voluntary, and those being searched are under immunity from prosecution, so long as they do not find a gun in your possession! (what the hell is the immunity for then?)

Look at what some people are having to say about this topic.
Johnny Barnes of the ACLU:
"If the founding fathers were not concerned with the British troops coming into their homes, we would not have the Fourth Amendment. That is why we have it. And they condition passage of the Constitutuion on passage of the Bill of Rights. This is not something to be taken lightly." (The same thing can be said of the 2nd ammendment)

Bill Tucker of CNN:
"Critics don't want constitutional rights sacrificed for some quick fix as they call the police plan."

Ronald Hampton, National Black Police Association:
We shouldn't be letting the police in. I served there (Washington, D.C.) for a quarter of a century. I wouldn't let the police in my house.

Lou Dobbs of CNN:
Well you know how I hate to take a position, but what idiot came up with this direct assault on constitutional rights? I mean, what — the people of Washington, D.C. ought to be telling somebody to stick it big time.
Who in Washington got this idea? The mayor? Who is this? The chief of police? (The answer was the chief of police, who was in the interview at the time)
The chief of police — these are the people who don't trust the people of Washington, D.C. to have a gun to protect themselves in their own homes.
Yes, well — I'll tell you what the chief and whoever is with the chief on this — go read the Constitution of the United States. You are out of your mind. Cut it out. This shouldn't even be a matter to take up with the ACLU or anyone else. How about that simple decency, intelligence and common sense? How about just the absolute enrapture that you might have with American values?

The idea you would knock on a man or woman's home, on their door, unbelievable. These — what are these people — what are they doing? They are not going to just let this stand, surely.
Who is the one person with this idea? There's always one person. I'd like to know who the hell that fool is. So to speak.

If the ACLU, National Black Police Association, CNN and the NRA are all on the same boat; thinking the same thing about the illegal seizure of weapons being a problem, (if I am agreeing with the ACLU) there are bigger problems on the horizon! Keep informed on the issues, not just these but everything that defines us as Americans!

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