Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sen. Kerry makes push for tighter gun control

Senator Kerry is pushing for tighter gun control and he states he had been shocked to see killings and beheadings "just a stone's throw across the Rio Grande from where we're sitting this morning."

Once they get the gun control they so desperately want is he also going to push for tighter control of kitchen utensils? Afterall you could cut someones head off with a good quality knife from a butcher block.
If Mexico is holding the US responsible for weapons violations, why are we not holding Mexico responsible for drug smuggling.
If there is such a large problem with automatic weapons smuggling from the US, how will banning LEGAL weapons stop the smuggling of illegal weapons, obviously the people smuggling those weapons do not care about the laws anyway? Also I have read where Clinton has blamed explosive devices, namely grenades used in Mexico on US based gun runners, get caught with a grenade in the US and see what happens to you. If the problem is real here, what is stopping the flow of weapons from South America, where the Soviets were passing out AK-47s like candy to any country willing to say anything negative about the US. I would be willing to bet those stockpiles of weapons are not nearly as well controlled as they are here in the US.
If Mexico would tighten their borders and work more closely with US based immigrations and DEA officials the majority of the smuggling could probably be dramatically reduced. They would do well to look at the model used in Colombia.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Case is Building

Hillary Clinton is building a case for tighter gun control, which I am sure that is fueled from Pelosi's refusal to cooperate with the administration call for a new Gun Ban a few weeks ago. This statement absolutely amazes me, since the violence problems that the Obama administration talked about earlier was from hand grenades and automatic weapons. The last time I checked both are illegal here anyway.

When meeting with the Mexican government her statement was as follows.
"Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade," she said, using unusually blunt language. "Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths of police officers, soldiers and civilians." ... For instance, Mrs. Clinton said, the United States will help supply Mexican law enforcement officers with helicopters and night-vision goggles and other equipment to take on the cartels, which are armed to the teeth.
"We've got to figure out how to stop these bad guys," she said. "These criminals are outgunning the law enforcement officials."
Should we not be blaming the Mexican government for not controlling its own borders and blame them for our drug supply. They are blaming us for their weapons problem, even though the problem is coming from items that are illegal here anyway. I believe what we should do is worry about preventing the drug dealers from crossing the border in this direction, if they do that it would illiminate the supposed gun running from the US to Mexico. I believe Hillary and Obama was against tighter border control anyway. She needs to be quiet and smoke some of her husbands Lewinsky dipped cigars.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Dog Lookout

For those of you who do not know I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods in every direction. I have a great german shepard dog who believes it is his duty to keep watch on our property and ensure that nothing comes near, especially the evil herds of deer. Tonight I let him out so he could do his guard duty, he sits on the front deck giving him a good visible perimeter; all night long he scans the woods (every hour or so he will walk around the house to make sure every thing is safe). Well tonight I looked out the window on the front deck and he was doing his stand, I then walked to the back of the house and looked out, there were 12 deer that I could see and it appeared that the herd even had a lookout that was focused on the area where the dog would come from, it was really comical. Oh well, it is the simple things in life I enjoy.
From Brutus

Monday, March 23, 2009

And It Has Begun

The first of the measures against our freedom as American Citizens have started.

First it was reported by the Washington Times that the Obama administration have secretly begun to revoke the right of pilots to carry a sidearm in the cockpit if a plane after applying for a permit and taking a safety course. Now the second blow to our rights.

On Thursday, March 19, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. granted anti-gun plaintiffs a preliminary injunction against implementation of the new rule allowing law-abiding citizens to defend themselves by carrying a concealed firearm in national parks and wildlife refuges.

In Thursday's ruling, Federal District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly issued the preliminary injunction against the Department of the Interior rule that took effect on January 9, 2009. The revised rule allowed individuals to carry concealed firearms for self-defense in national parks and national wildlife refuges located in states that allow the carrying of concealed firearms.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Consulting World is a Small One

I am in LA doing some work and I got a text from a buddy in Hawaii wondering what I was up to. He was headed to Atlanta and was wanting to hang out at some point while he is down. Turns out he has a 12 hour layover in LA tomorrow, so we will hook up then. It is strange how things turn out some times. I know no one really cares about this, but since this is sort of my online journal to myself I am recording it anyway.

BTW: this is my view from my hotel room
From LA Trip

Monday, March 16, 2009

President's Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment

President's Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment I really hope this is not true, if so, this is the most disgusting thing he has proposed so far.