Thursday, July 30, 2009

NYTIMES : New Poll Finds Growing Unease on Health Plan

I wrote about statistics before but, this ending to an article refusing to say anything negative about the president says it all.I which finding the white house will be using.

In one finding, 75 percent of respondents said they were concerned that the cost of their own health care would eventually go up if the government did not create a system of providing health care for all Americans. But in another finding, 77 percent said they were concerned that the cost of health care would go up if the government did create such a system.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Massachusetts Says Encrypt It All!

A law that takes effect in Jan 2010 reads like this

  • "All persons that own, license, store or maintain personal information about a resident of the Commonwealth," which presumably means any business anywhere that does business with Massachusetts residents
  • Paper as well as electronic records
  • Secure user user authentication protocols
  • Secure access control measures
  • Encryption on all wireless networks linked to personal information repositories
  • Monitoring and encryption for all portable devices with personal information
  • Firewall protection for any database containing PII
  • System security software must be installed and kept up to date
  • Education and training is also required
It is pretty restrictive yet it is still open for interpretation and leaves a lot of leverage for prosecutors to go after a company that they want to bring down. If you have ever been involved with the PIN or SAS70 type audits then you know how these rules can be interpreted differently by any governing body. Bottom line is this is going to be VERY costly to many organizations. It is not a bad thing to a degree, but it will be costly and probably abused by law enforcement officials who do not understand how computer technologies actually work.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

CBS press Sotomayor about her 2ND Ammendment views and she refuses to answer

President Obama's first nominee to the high court did previously say that she believed Americans do not currently enjoy a fundamental right to bear arms, which echoes her two previous rulings on the topic as an appeals court judge. But now she refused to elaborate on her views about firearms regulations and the Second Amendment, saying she would "make no prejudgments" about future firearms-related cases.

New York Lawmakers

New York House Assembly actually has an annual "Anti-Gun Day" for enacting new laws in the state. This takes place every April 29th.

One of the crazy things being proposed for the next year is a mandate to modify handguns to make it impossible to be operated by children. It would require a 10lb trigger pull and require multiple motions in order to fire the weapon. Another requirement would be to require firearm retailers to carry insurance to cover any criminal acts committed after the sale of a firearm.

Sending email with attachments on UNIX systems

Sending email with attachments on UNIX systems
All of the below examples use the following shell variables. I use MIME type application/octet-stream just as an example. Actual type used will vary depending upon attachment file type. Remember, these are simple examples of the different tools available.

TXTFILE=/tmp/textfile  # A text message with a simple preface message
ATTFILE=/tmp/binary_file # File to be attached and generally requiring encoding
SUBJECT="Your attachment" # Change as needed
MAILTO=user@where.ever  # Ditto
  • uuencode – This is the original method to send encoded text within a message. It is not an attachment as we think of them today but is still used enough to warrant putting it here.
    uuencode $ATTFILE $ATTFILE | mail -s "$SUBJECT" $MAILTO
    (uuencode $FILE1 $FILE1; uuencode $FILE2 $FILE2) | mail -s "$SUBJECT" $MAILTO
  • simple shell commands – For a very simple text (plain or html) attachment with just one file:
    echo "From: $LOGNAME\nTo: $MAILTO\nSubject: $SUBJECT\n\
    Mime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain\n" > /tmp/file
    cat $TXTFILE >> /tmp/file

    Saturday, July 18, 2009

    Find Solaris 10 HBA info

    Find HBA’s WWN on Solaris 10


    for i in `cfgadm
    grep fc-fabric
    awk ‘{print $1}’`; do

    dev=”`cfgadm -lv $i
    grep devices
    awk ‘{print $NF}’`”

    wwn=”`luxadm -e dump_map $dev
    grep ‘Host Bus’
    awk ‘{print $4}’`”

    echo “$i: $wwn”


    Or command line: on all versions:

    #prtpicl -v -c scsi-fcp
    grep wwn (On all versions)

    :node-wwn 20 00 00 e0 8b 94 92 8d

    :port-wwn 21 00 00 e0 8b 94 92 8d

    # prtconf -vp
    grep -i ww

    port-wwn: 210000e0.8b80fb81

    node-wwn: 200000e0.8b80fb81

    On Sol 10

    # fcinfo hba-port

    Saturday, July 11, 2009

    VMWare VSphere 4i SSH

    I haven't verified this, but I found this snippet on a web site earlier today
    SSH in vSphere 4i
    tweetmeme_url = '';
    To enable SSH in vSphere 4i we should do the following steps (similar as esx 3i):
    1. First, press Alt + f1 then type “unsupported” and press enter.
    2. At the prompt for password, provide the credentials, previously configured, and we will be able to log in to the service console.
    3. Do a vi /etc/inetd.conf and look for #ssh. Remove the # and save the file after this.
    4. Go to /sbin, and run this command ./ restart

    Now, we will have SSH enabled.